What is the Mantic Vault?
High Quality Wargaming STLs built for Hobbyists by Hobbyists.

The Mantic Vault is a wargaming STL library and subscription service focussed on providing robust, game ready sculpts as full models, model upgrades and game accessories.
How Does the Mantic Vault work?
The Mantic Vault expands with a new pack of wargaming STL files every month. If you're subscribed, you instantly get access to the new pack and all files within it!
Subscription Timings
If you subscribe on any day of the month except the 1st, in the following month your billing date will get "anchored" to the 1st from then onwards. For example if you subscribe on June 17th, your next billing date will "anchor" to the 1st July.
When doing the first "anchor" for your subscription, this may happen at any point during the 24 hours of the 1st of that month - so don't worry if you don't see your access update until later in the day! This is due to automatic "re-anchor" operations requiring more security checks when a human isn't present, and is controlled solely by our Payment Processor, not us.
For each subsequent month, you'll get access pretty quickly now your billing date has already been "anchored" to the 1st of the month - usually a few minutes after midnight GMT. As soon as your payment is made, you'll get instant access to that month!
What's The Welcome pack?
Every new subscriber gets instant access to our welcome pack that includes a plethora of models of all types. Over time, we'll keep adding to this pack so keep an eye out for updates!
What are the reward packs?
For 3, 6 and 12 months worth of packs you have subscribed to, you'll also get access to our exclusive reward packs as a thankyou for your subscription. These will become instantly available to you (and remain available to you) as you hit those pack counts.
What types of STL are available?
The Mantic Vault provides the following STL model types:
- Full Models - We'll release full original quality Mantic sculpts for key units in our game ranges (and others besides). Our full models are split into several files for both ease of printing and assembly.
- Model Upgrades - The perfect compliment to our base model lines, Model Upgrades replace and add parts to transform the original unit.
- Game Accessories - Tokens, markers and tilesets for roleplaying and tabletop games to enhance gameplay and add another dimension to your gaming experience.
DO I Lose Access To My Files If I Unsubscribe?
No! Once you've got access to a given pack, that'll never be revoked (for the lifetime of this service).
Can I Get Access To Previous Months?
Yes! Current subscribers will also get a discount on previous packs purchased after the pack release month.
When do new pack files become available?
We aim to have all files ready for download by the 1st of the month. These files are then passed to our CDN (Content Delivery Network) so that we may serve these files from the appropriate location around the globe. Once a successful charge has cleared to your chosen payment method, you will be given permission - this may take up to a few hours, especially if your initial start date was not the 1st of the month. By the end of the day on the 1st of each month, all users should get access to their shiny new files!
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