Orcs Blood Runner STL


One of the more versatile ships in an orc fleet, the Blood Runner does at least boast heavy broadsides for ranged capability, as well as a massive prow-drill designed for holing enemy ships. They tend to be captained by those rare orcs who have survived past their prime, and crewed mainly by goblins. Blood runners are often derided by other orc crews, because they aren’t designed for sticking around after crippling the enemy. But in truth, without the efforts of the sneaky Blood Runners, the lumbering battle ships of the orc fleet would get to grips with the enemy far less frequently.

Designed for:

Armada Logo

File Type:

Full Model

Model Scale:

1:700 Heroic

Suggested Base:

30mm X 70mm

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Last Updated: 2023-06-21
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