Orcs Rabble STL


Even some goblins show at least some aptitude for naval combat, so much so that they might be deemed capable of taking charge of a small sailship without the ‘assistance’ of orcs. These goblins typically band together in small squadrons, whose job is to cause as much of a nuisance to the enemy as possible. Once the larger ships get stuck in up close, the Rabble squadrons zip through the gaps in the line, and board the already stricken foe with the aid of their grapple-harpoons. The defending crew then find themselves attacked on all sides by grinning, cutlass-wielding maniacs, and as soon as the battle is won, the Rabble disengage and go hunting anew.

Designed for:

Armada Logo

File Type:

Full Model

Model Scale:

1:700 Heroic

Suggested Base:

30mm X 30mm

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Last Updated: 2023-06-21
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