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Welcome Pack

An ever expanding Welcome Pack

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Once you sign up, and become a member, you will get an extra Welcome Pack bundle of 20+ miniatures.

The Welcome Pack is a gift for subscribers, and we'll constatly add to it as new STL Packs are released.

Warlock Dice Totem Carnivorous Plant Dungeon Trap Tiles Ronnie the Bard Blaine in Peacekeeper Armour GCPS Medic Goblin Sniper Subject 901 Blaine - Dinorider Northern Alliance Frost GIant Shadow Hulk Storm Giant Throwing Mastiffs Twilight Kin Navigator Bust

Files for Welcome Pack

Model Type Game Linked Product Images Download
Warlock Dice Totem
Updated: 2023-05-01
Full Model None
Carnivorous Plant
Updated: 2023-05-01
Full Model DnD / Pathfinder
Dungeon Trap Tiles
Updated: 2023-05-01
Full Model DnD / Pathfinder
Ronnie the Bard
Updated: 2023-05-01
Full Model DnD / Pathfinder
Blaine in Peacekeeper Armour
Updated: 2024-05-01
Deadzone Logo
GCPS Medic
Updated: 2023-05-01
Full Model Deadzone Logo
Goblin Sniper
Updated: 2023-05-01
Full Model Deadzone Logo
Subject 901
Updated: 2023-05-01
Full Model Deadzone Logo
Blaine - Dinorider
Updated: 2023-05-01
Full Model Kings of War Logo
Northern Alliance Frost GIant
Updated: 2023-09-01
Model Upgrade Kings of War Logo
Shadow Hulk
Updated: 2023-05-01
Model Upgrade Kings of War Logo
Storm Giant
Updated: 2023-05-01
Model Upgrade Kings of War Logo
Throwing Mastiffs
Updated: 2023-06-21
Full Model Kings of War Logo
Twilight Kin Navigator Bust
Updated: 2023-12-01
Full Model Kings of War Logo
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