July 2024

When You Need MEAN, Go GREEN / Abyssal Dwarf XLs and Fliers

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July brings our newest Premade Strike Team to Deadzone, The Nuts and Bolts Strike Team - led by the well known Bolts and his "partner in crime" Nuts! 


  • Armada Abyssal Dwarf XL Ship
  • Armada Gun Worm Flier
  • Armada Terrain Pack


  • Nuts and Bolts 200 point Strike Team (Which contains no less than SIX brand new sculpts!)
  • Gruntbot
  • Stuntbot


  • Sci-fi Doors
  • Terminals 
  • Gun Rack + Loose Weapons

Sci-Fi Doors Terminals Atix Shrillshatter - Nuts and Bolts Strike Team Bolts, Leader of the Nuts and Bolts Strike Team Fena Firebottom - Nuts and Bolts Strike Team Fetch - Nuts and Bolts Strike Team Gritter Rocketrider - Nuts and Bolts Strike Team Klunk Sparkwrench - Nuts and Bolts Strike Team Krazee Gobby - Nuts and Bolts Strike Team Loose Weapons Nuts, Co-Leader of the Nuts and Bolts Strike Team Nyx Shadowclaw - Nuts and Bolts Strike Team Ug Hulk - Nuts and Bolts Strike Team Zyn Skulkshot - Nuts and Bolts Strike Team Abyssal Dwarf Gun Worm Abyssal Dwarf Hellfane Battleship Armada Fortune Rocks Island Armada Sand Banks Sea Fort Small Cannon Emplacements

Files for July 2024

Model Type Game Linked Product Images Download
Sci-Fi Doors
Updated: 2023-05-01
Full Model DnD / Pathfinder
Updated: 2023-05-01
Full Model DnD / Pathfinder
Atix Shrillshatter - Nuts and Bolts Strike Team
Updated: 2023-05-01
Full Model Deadzone Logo
Bolts, Leader of the Nuts and Bolts Strike Team
Updated: 2023-05-01
Full Model Deadzone Logo
Fena Firebottom - Nuts and Bolts Strike Team
Updated: 2023-05-01
Full Model Deadzone Logo
Fetch - Nuts and Bolts Strike Team
Updated: 2023-05-01
Full Model Deadzone Logo
Gritter Rocketrider - Nuts and Bolts Strike Team
Updated: 2023-05-01
Full Model Deadzone Logo
Klunk Sparkwrench - Nuts and Bolts Strike Team
Updated: 2023-05-01
Full Model Deadzone Logo
Krazee Gobby - Nuts and Bolts Strike Team
Updated: 2023-05-01
Full Model Deadzone Logo
Loose Weapons
Updated: 2023-05-01
Model Upgrade Deadzone Logo
Nuts, Co-Leader of the Nuts and Bolts Strike Team
Updated: 2023-05-01
Full Model Deadzone Logo
Nyx Shadowclaw - Nuts and Bolts Strike Team
Updated: 2023-05-01
Full Model Deadzone Logo
Ug Hulk - Nuts and Bolts Strike Team
Updated: 2023-05-01
Full Model Deadzone Logo
Zyn Skulkshot - Nuts and Bolts Strike Team
Updated: 2023-05-01
Full Model Deadzone Logo
Abyssal Dwarf Gun Worm
Updated: 2023-05-01
Full Model Armada Logo
Abyssal Dwarf Hellfane Battleship
Updated: 2023-05-01
Full Model Armada Logo
Armada Fortune Rocks Island
Updated: 2023-05-01
Full Model Armada Logo
Armada Sand Banks
Updated: 2023-05-01
Full Model Armada Logo
Sea Fort
Updated: 2023-05-01
Full Model Armada Logo
Small Cannon Emplacements
Updated: 2023-05-01
Full Model Armada Logo
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